The former ruling party announced that they will not sit down to be blamed by, Buhari who is busy blaming them.”
The National Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Mr. Kola Ologbondiyan, who spoke with newsmen said Buhari was elected by mistake.
He said, “Nigerians should ask the President what infrastructural and developmental projects that he has added to what he met on the ground since he assumed office three years ago.
“Instead of sitting down to face governance, the President has been busy playing blame-game politics. He has no vision and lacks directions and foresight.
“The President should point to any policy concerning project the has formulated and implemented since he assumed office three years ago. This will let Nigerians judge him on his performance.
“His administration is by mistake and I believe that he has no cogent reasons why he wanted to be the President other than to enjoy the perks of office. This President will continue to complain until he is voted out.”
The Peoples Democratic Party challenged Buhari to tell Nigerians what he had added to the infrastructure he met on the ground when he assumed office about three years ago.
The National Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Mr. Kola Ologbondiyan, who spoke with newsmen said Buhari was elected by mistake.
He said, “Nigerians should ask the President what infrastructural and developmental projects that he has added to what he met on the ground since he assumed office three years ago.
“Instead of sitting down to face governance, the President has been busy playing blame-game politics. He has no vision and lacks directions and foresight.
“The President should point to any policy concerning project the has formulated and implemented since he assumed office three years ago. This will let Nigerians judge him on his performance.
“His administration is by mistake and I believe that he has no cogent reasons why he wanted to be the President other than to enjoy the perks of office. This President will continue to complain until he is voted out.”
The Peoples Democratic Party challenged Buhari to tell Nigerians what he had added to the infrastructure he met on the ground when he assumed office about three years ago.
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