Some advantages that students should be aware of when studying abroad or a foreign country?
There are many advantages that cometh as a results of studying abroad, experts say, but you need to do some basic things first.
The allure of studying abroad grabs hold of most every student at some point in their high school and college careers. The choice, however, has more to do with money and being separated from one's family for a few months. It also includes relevant experience for a student's major, cultural exposure, and so on. This week, we ask the Unigo Expert Network:
Q: What should students know about studying abroad? Pros and cons?
A: Plan thoughtfully to avoid the cons.
James Montoya, vice president of higher education, The College Board Whether you participate in a study abroad program offered by your university or one affiliated with another university, choose a program that will have you speaking a foreign language. (In other words, avoid solely hanging out with other Americans while abroad.) Before heading out, do two things: Confirm that your course credits earned abroad will transfer back to your home institution, and arrange for campus housing for your return. Two advantages of studying abroad in the spring (vs. the fall) are that you will not be returning to your home campus midyear, and that you may have the summer to travel.
A: Take advantage of studying abroad.
Stacey Kostell, director of admissions, University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign No matter your major, there are so many benefits to studying abroad. You get to select nearly any location and immerse yourself in that culture for a few weeks, semester, or year. You will grow both academically and personally in ways that you can't do by staying on campus. You will be exposed to new people, new ideas, new ways of living, perhaps a new language, new classes, and a new way of viewing the world. Plus, by going through your university you will receive credit for graduation. Many times the cost is very similar to staying on campus. The only con may be completing the paperwork that is necessary for credit transfer and studying in a different country, but most schools have departments to help you with those details. So, when deciding on a college, take a look at their study abroad program to see how you like it. Then you can go ahead and apply for your studies.
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